Because of new technology, global Internet availability, and the increasing need for a workforce prepared periodically for the digital economy, Kanban method has been developing gradually around the globe. Soon online education is expected to become a mainstream.The business sector; the government at all levels the nation’s economic laws, the Technology capacity of the country, Internet factors have an impact on both the quality and price of online education at the national level.
Data processing, analysis, and sharing are just some of the ways that information technology has permeated practically every area of our life.As part of the E-revolution e-mail, e-commerce, e-government, as well as now e-education, have all been introduced.It is clear that e-education or online education is changing the way we approach. In recent years, education delivery strategies have undergone rapid technological transformations. Because of the way institutions around the world are adapting, a very dynamic education environment has created a lot of interest among scholars and educators as well as policy. “Correspondence” courses, which originated in England involved sending hard copy documents that were subject to long delays, have been replaced by online education, which offers wireless and wired delivery methods, as well as access to online discussion boards, chat rooms and video conferencing.This online learning method with the introduction of the Internet and the World Wide Web, reach those in remote areas or who desire the ease of not having travel time.
On-line education has grown increasingly realistic in terms of technology, economics, and operational feasibility as Informations and communication technologies have progressed.An increasing number of non-residential students who work full time, together with advances in technology, are all factors that encourage colleges to offer online programmes. Beyond national lines, the spread of online education is determined by global factors.In order for globalisation of online education to occur, standard technology platforms (such as Internet) must be available, as well as combining the digital gap, supporting a variety of languages, cultures.
In addition to industry, governments at local, state, and federal levels also play a role inglobalisation of online education. Employability of graduates from online schools is determined by the industry and government sectors. Governments regulate educational programmes at all levels, including online education.Laws, ICT capability, Internet and mobile technology dispersion, income divide, and digital divide are also country factors.
Some of the most important tools for improving your employment prospects are free online certificate courses offered by foreign universities. These courses can help you improve your work style and adapt it to the ever-changing global ecosystem.As well as adding value to your resume, they can give you access to a variety of teaching styles and creative approaches used by some of the world’s most brilliant teachers.